hah. sorry J. you make the cut because i know you personally. the fact that you are interesting is a given. M needs the extra cushion of an ego stroke every now and again is all.
OK - everybody out of the pooldexterxMarch 20 2008, 10:27:47 UTC
Wow, here is me thinking all along that the deitritus was the suspended particles floating in the collective republican neo con brain that once subjected to micro filatration created foreign policy for the last two terms.
Re: OK - everybody out of the poolinspectorxeroMarch 20 2008, 12:51:12 UTC
one thing i hate about the term "neo con" is that it's to imply that these folk have a new, revamped ideology to face the millennium when in fact, they seem to be more like a throwback to a period of straited and closed neandarthalic thought.
Comments 17
Have a good holiday - Hmm Malta & Spain.
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