Round 20: Inspiration Post

Feb 28, 2013 23:03

Round #20: Re(comm)binations is an homage to all the wonderful challenge communities that made LJ fun for iconners long before inspired20in20 began. With all the options out there, it was hard for us to narrow down this post - so we're letting you do a little of the choosing for yourself.

Your options:
I. Play it Straight: the regular 20in20 format. You have 20 images to inspire your set, almost as if icons made from the last round here are leading you on into this round.
II. Rumble in the Jungle: based on rumbles and lims challenges. Take your inspiration from the technical prompts, color palettes, images, or either of the texture sets provided.
III. THIS IS SPARTA.: aka battle style. Provided for you are some caps, textures, interpretive themes, and icons from previous battles. Challenge yourself to see what you can come up with.
IV. Still Waters Run Deep: based on the stills contest, with some "typical" themes, some songs, and some inspirational icons. If you're feeling a little elite, go for the bonus Lady in the Lake option and use two inspirations for each icon.
V. Going All In: maybe you're a bit indecisive, or maybe you just like all challenge comms equally! If that's the case, take full run of the post - but you have to make exactly five icons based on each section of the post.
(inspired by the paths sidequest at theiconquest)

I. Play it Straight

01 - 05

06 - 10

11 - 15

16 - 20

Inspired by
motorized @ theskilltester | navras-rhea @ theskilltester | sarisafari @ theskilltester | giulss @ trope_overdosed | realproof trope_overdosed
drankmywar @ icon_crack | mistress_tink @ icon_crack | schmiss @ icon_crack | colorbox @ icon_crack | tankmachine @ icon_crack
fprintmoon @ 20inspirations | vampire_sessah @ a_mused | oviedo @ a_mused | biliki @ a_mused | justmyb0nes @ a_mused
nadya149 @ elitesimplicity | messdestruction @ elitesimplicity accordion @ the7days | motorized @ the7days | everythingshiny @ whedon_elite

II. Rumble in the Jungle

black & white | blocking | paint | repeated | text
grunge | light | monochrome | accent | unnatural

another_trauma @ theskilltester | nargynargy @ theskilltester (click through for full)

various makers @ animan

i n v i s i b l e | dressed by | Fuji Apple | traveler | Poker Face
from colourlovers, via rumblr

by lookslikerain > comment & download | by six_two_four @ theskilltester > download


integrate | space | shape | layer | splash

motorized vs. endearest

note_sarcasm vs. dreamfloat vs. hiddenbeats vs. maharet83

everythingshiny vs. outoftime

deternot x2 | erzsebet x2

naginis x2 | john_scorpy x2

50 stock photography by wikidwitch | various caps by kasiopeia | random caps by kasiopeia | random and outrageously sexy caps by blueymcphluey | random caps by likealight
all via thepicturepool

spartapuss | deternot | nastyakireeva | rebel

liesmiths | fuuurs | marcasite | longerthanwedo

fuuurs | juanxyo | rebel | fuuurs

fuuurs | rebel | before_water | liesmiths

juanxyo | partitioning | fuuurs | rebel

rebel | scoobyatemysnax | 12feethigh | daynawashere

fuurs | juanxyo | longerthanwedo | spartapuss

fuuurs | raiindust | waaywardson| fuuurs | blame
all via contextures

IV. Still Waters Run Deep
& bonus: Lady of the Lake

text genre | episodic | character | standard | pass-it-on
color | cropped | bonanza | technical | interpretive[YouTube Videos]

image Click to view

Skyfall by Adele

image Click to view

I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by The Scissor Sisters > lyrics

image Click to view

Supermassive Black Hole by Muse > lyrics

image Click to view

Spectrum by Florence and the Machine > lyrics

image Click to view

Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys > lyrics
based on the music challenge at the7days

linear_flower | fuuurs | lookslikerain | vetica

schmiss | iulieki | maharet83 | naginis

longerthanwedo | capelle | notashamed | theotherayn

pamkips | fancifull | drankmywar | blueymcphluey
click through for full, all via theskilltester

+ All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.
+ Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.
+ Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
+ When you post your entry to the community, provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.
+ Please take the time to look at other people's entries and leave feedback.
+ The extra inspiration post cannot be used as inspiration for icons. It is simply an extra place for you to develop an understanding of the theme.
+ Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.
+ Tagging guidelines are as follows: entries: yourusername, round: 20. Example: entries: rocketgirl2, round: 20.
+ Your subject should be: Round 20: Your Option Example: Round 20: Playing it Straight
+ A list of participants and their claims can be found here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
+ Your icons are due Wednesday, the 20th of March at 11:59 pm EST. [Countdown]

&inspiration post, round: 20

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