Its everyday of the week we rely on the sanity uh huh for the coast to be sure it relies on the blood you see the blood of the poor every weekend we ignite it and you can be sure you know can light it or just be the whore oooh oooh the street they bleed with audio blood. . .
Through backdrops and fake canvas The sunlight will only take love away But was it every really there?? maybe in the late 80's early 90's? who knows. . . but its not here now. . .
When i used to scrape me knee's as a kid i used to judge how bad it was by how much of my pants had been scraped open I remember thinking of the denham as a second skin "battle armor" The other day i had a sharp piece of twisted steal rip through 2 layers of pants and graze my leg go go gadget battle armor -Ian