Title: Smoke
ice_breath_117Chapters: Drabble
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: They own me. Not the other way round.
Synopsis: In Reita's world, things were different.
A/N: at the end.
When someone said those three little words to him, he wanted them to mean it. )
Comments 12
Ahh, well the story saddens me, but that's only because I based it so much around something i was feeling at the time...
thanks for reading =)
that broke my heart in all the good and all the bad ways (there are good ways, as far as i'm concerned). and it's so corny to say this, but i found myself so much in this, as someone who practically no one understands. i mean, people who i've known all my life tell me that, and "you live in your own world." so this was so, so...ah, i don't even know how to explain in it, but i loved it. and i felt so much for Reita (it was him, right?). i just wanted to hug him while reading it, even though it's somewhat contradictory, heh.
really, i want to write a proper review or something but i don't even know what to say, let alone how. just... D;
adding to memories.
I never get people telling me i'm in my own world though. It's because i've learnt to hide all...being dependent and all that XDD This all mainly happens in my head and no one knows what i'm really thinking most of the time.
And yeah, it was reita =3
Oh wow, i'm really flattered you mem'd this, especially since it was just a hastily written drabble. but nevertheless, i'm glad you could relate to this. At least you know you're not alone in feeling this *hugs*
I'm currently living in Reita's world...
I loved it <333333333333333333333
i'm glad you did, thanks for reading <3
'Neways, are you alright? I just managed to go through my f-list posts, so I got worried about you. I hope even if things aren't okay, you'll be strong to pull through this. just...don't give up.
Heh, that's what i was going for, so thanks =) Well, i mean i guess it feels real because most of it IS. swap the names and genders and band-like situations and it'd be like a journal entry XDD But i couldn't write it as a journal entry, for particular reasons.
But i'm fine now, i guess. A bout of hormonal emotional rage/confusion/crying episode ^^;; But thanks for worrying anyways =)
and thanks for reading, of course ♥
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