Title: Kagome's Daydream Author: Saraste Rating: why, I do believe it is PG... Genre: crack Word Count: 787 Summary: Kagome thinks about all the pretty bishi's she's met in the Feudal Era. Prompt 1: hair
He did but his manliness prevented him from saying it out loud. Maybe he could use it in trying to hit it off with Miroku more easier, not that he needs it! XD
By SOMEONE are you implying to me? Cos I will. I actually did, once but it never got finished, poor picture.^^
I can totally see what you were going to say. Naughty! I've promised to draw him with the braids (and undoubtedly little else) and will share when I do.^^ (Oh my, was that a naughty thing to say?*frets* Ahem...)
It is! I actually cut this a bit short as there were some pretty hair I could have lingered on talking about. And had I not written about the bishi's, I could have written about Yura of the Hair but not worth 1000...
Comments 7
He did look awfully cute with the braids.
I bet he does SOMEONE needs to draw that.
YOu wrote some cute crack there sweetie pie!
By SOMEONE are you implying to me? Cos I will. I actually did, once but it never got finished, poor picture.^^
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It is! I actually cut this a bit short as there were some pretty hair I could have lingered on talking about. And had I not written about the bishi's, I could have written about Yura of the Hair but not worth 1000...
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