First, I want to thank everyone who came to my wedding. It was really nice to have you guys there. Naturally, if you couldn't make it or just plain forgot, you're no longer my friend. This means you, Jake
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I used Napster a lot when I first started at UW. It was the fastest and best p2p file sharing application I've ever used. After it got shut down, nothing else has been close
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Played paintball for the first time today. First time I got hit was right in the nipple, hurts like a bitch. Also caught one in the breathing hole of my facemask. Slapped me in the mouth and tasted aweful at the same time
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Yoda sells Diet Pepsi. In fact, Pepsi has 'exclusive' rights to Yoda, nobody else can use him to advertise. Darth Vader sells M&M's. Chewbacca records Cingulair ringtones. and now... George Lucas is going to make a live action Star Wars T.V. series.