I dangle my feet over the docks because if it takes me you come too. the trees bend in a way I've never seen before the sky seen through patches of branches alive & frame my lack of boundries Please don't ever set them we've too far to go and too little time to get there
one minute past forever in this rasberry sherbert sunset orange flecked upon the flatlined clouds the sun hidden, saying turquoise goodbyes & asking "Will you miss me when I'm gone?" I'll whisper my response, "Always." "I'll miss your warm arms and your copper smile." only a matter of time
I'm only so far beyond the clock in times where this does exist where every color is a little brighter and every ray of sunlight is a little warmer & nothing will ever be missed, wouldn't you want to share this world with kids who're smarter than their fathers and glasses half full and where stop signs no longer exist, a world of beautiful