Sorry guys, I'm bored and killing time until ballet...
LJ Friends:
with the coolest username// I always like Em T's usernames, but I'll go with either
lesbiangrandma or
andthatsdone, simply for the L5Y reference.
with the cutest username// I don't have any friends with cute usernames... Ummm,
shimmergirl the best pics//
essentiality last added// I haven't added anyone in awhile...
irishpoochy and
muggin, even though they don't really count since I made them sign up, and they'll probably never update.
first added//
cherrylikecoke I could adopt as a sibling//
luckychoice and
mgnw who seems to be on all my friends list//
turquoiseblue who seems to update the most//
rightandexact how many of my LJ friends have I met in real life//
muggin LJ friends who I'd really like to meet in real life// Ummm, okay. If I were to pick 4, it'd be
essentiality, and
phreakychic favourite community//
indiefucks LJ I like reading the most and why// I actually enjoy reading about half of them.
LJ friends I know best// Not counting "real life" friends, probably
andthatsdone, and
nouveaux friends I wish posted more//
andthatsdone and all of my "real life" friends
the most attractive// Nope. All ugly. ;D
who do you have a crush on? If I were a guy, I'd be all over
luckychoice the cutest//
_fivestars LJ you read often that's not on your friends list// BA-ZOINK!
how often do I post on LJ? About once a day, I suppose
what's the longest I've gone without posting in my LJ? A few weeks.
when did i sign up for an LJ account? october 15, 2002
comments Posted: 1,447 - Received: 1,519
number of journal entries: 452
My arm is still sore, ballet is going to suck. AS IS SISTER ACT 2... but we knew that already. Today she made us free style. Now I know why she wrote "lacks groove." Daaaaaaaaaa-yummmmn.