Oct 20, 2007 22:06
It's a talent. Right now, I should be reading my American Lit and finishing my Capstone (almost done!), but instead I'm blogging, lol.
So really, all I want to know is, how is everyone out there? I feel so disconnected from all of you! ;p
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Comments 11
Cheers for asking. I'm just enjoying my much-needed week off from school *collapses* I'm still feeling knackered, as you can tell lol. Still need to pick a uni and find a job...Do you know anywhere that will take on kids with extremely awkward schedules to work around? Because I can't. If I don't pay my keep, I'll have to move in with E :D
Hope you finish your Capstone soon!!
So I'm NEARLY finished with my Capstone, but of course writer's block just had to set in...WHILE I'M ON THE LAST F*CKING PAGE!!!! Erika Procrastination Sparby is not amused. >:(
*dances a jig*
You think I'm kidding? I actually stood up and danced! My roommate loved it. ;p
Well done!!!! You've been tackling this thing for weeks, so you know what that means? DO YOU? ....TGSEF ;p
Congratulations, Erika Procrastination Marie Ianite Emslie McDiarmid-Sparby!!!!
(Sorry, is it "McDiarmid-Sparby" or "Sparby-McDiarmid"? I always get that bit mixed up ;p)
Anonymity is the bane of my existence! >_<
You should be ashamed of yourself >:(
I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been bed-ridden with severe tonsillitis all week long and haven’t been online much. Tomorrow, I’ll find out whether I need a tonsillectomy (My primary care physician thinks so, but we’ll see what my ENT has to say). I just wanted to drop you a line because I haven’t written to you in awhile.
Take care,
I finished the Capstone late last night (technically early this morning, but who's counting?); I just have a few rough patches to iron out. Take care!!
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