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irishka1205 May 15 2009, 02:36:54 UTC
Hey, you know what? Right now I won't complain. Dean and Sam are together again and now that they know they can only trust each other and absolutely nobody else (aside from Bobby the Awesome), they can start rebuilding their relationship.

Also, Bobby's alive!!!!!! *dances around*

Predictable episode, beyond predictable, but you know what? I'm not freaking out like I thought I would be. I am actually now looking forward to season 5. I didn't think I would be.


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irishka1205 May 15 2009, 02:43:40 UTC
Exactly!!! I'm actually pleasantly surprised, honestly. Because I don't feel like my heart will jump out of my chest and my stomach is not all in knots. And I actually want to watch it again to see if I missed anything.

Next season will be about the boys rebuilding their relationship, I can see that already.

It has to be. I mean, they finally now realized that they've both been played by both sides. Aside from Bobby, and ok, fine, maybe Castiel, they have nobody else to trusts but each other. Now that they know it, both of them know it now, maybe they'll finally talk and listen to one another.


lostandalone22 May 15 2009, 02:47:05 UTC
I'm so happy with what Kripke did in this episode. Sam is better, Dean is still fighting for his brother, Castiel's not bad anymore, and the boys ended up together. Oh, and yay for losing Ruby.


irishka1205 May 15 2009, 02:51:02 UTC
It took an apocalypse for the boys to finally realize that they really should be listening to each other and nobody else. That they can only trust each other and nobody else. Here's hoping they remember this next season.

I am very grateful to Kripke for not killing off Bobby and for giving us the boys together at the end there.


donna_c_punk May 15 2009, 04:23:45 UTC
My big question is ... where is the major death that's supposed to have affected both Winchesters so profoundly? Was that supposed to be Ruby? Cuz that dog don't hunt. Cindy, possibly? Then, Dean doesn't know about that. Yet. I THINK I WAS LIED TO.


irishka1205 May 15 2009, 04:27:24 UTC
I tried to steer clear from those spoilers. The one I did read said two deaths of someone close to Sam and Dean. I think that was the wording. One in March or April which was Pamela, obviously. The other one in May. Well, there's Ruby and Lilith. Neither one of them was close to Sam AND Dean. But I guess Ruby got 50% of that sentence. But Kripke said 'more than 2 deaths, less than 12', right? Well, we got 2 in the finale. Are we supposed to assume Chuck and Cas bite the dust? 'cause we all know useless is coming back next season. Though I kinda still hold out hope that he's dead and the body gets possessed by Lucifer.


donna_c_punk May 15 2009, 04:32:46 UTC
Castiuseless will likely be a rogue angel, as he is filling the role Anna was created/intro'd for, and she was rogue. And, along with the whole Lucifer being free deal, he's probably going to be avoiding the heavenly host still loyal to the Archangels. I say the Archangels, because they've pretty much confirmed there is no God here. So, in addition to whatever they have planned for Sam and Dean, we're likely gonna be hopping over for Useless's bullshit every so often. Which I do not look forward to. I'd rather see Bobby or have some old characters I do give a shit about come back. It's the last season, they can blow their bank on Samantha Ferris to get Ellen, and whatever good past characters they can dig up, for the final season.


irishka1205 May 15 2009, 13:23:56 UTC
I know. He'll be around for 17 episodes next year which bugs me to no end. I'd rather have Bobby for 17 episodes. Bobby once again proved just how amazingly awesome he is. Btw, my favorite line of the entire episode was 'don't make me go get my gun'. LMAO. And Bobby voiced every single thing the fans (the ones that actually called Dean on his BS) have been saying all this season. Like the fact that Sam is completely drowning and Dean is busy with his wining.


lovebanshee May 17 2009, 15:41:48 UTC
"Thank you for not killing Bobby. Huge, ginormous, Jared-sized thank you for that one."

HELL YEAH! Although I'm quite concerned about what Kripke considers 'someone close to the Winchester Brothers'. Because apparently someone close to them would die in the finale, as per spoiler content, but I didn't really think he would mean someone PHYSICALLY close to them would die. Because when she died, she was very much NOT a character close to any of the Winchester's hearts... So Kripke had us thinking it was Bobby the entire time! Because WHO ELSE is close to the Bros, right? "HAHA WE MEANT CLOSE -IN PROXIMITY- TO THEM! GOTCHA!" *they laugh at our endless frantic worrying of Bobby's possible death*

I reiterate: Kripke's a cold-hearted machiavellan evol evol genious. >:-]


irishka1205 May 17 2009, 15:44:06 UTC
Yeah, they had us going. And Jim Beaver was totally playing into it as well.


lovebanshee May 17 2009, 18:13:08 UTC
They know exactly how to toy with us...


irishka1205 May 17 2009, 18:41:56 UTC
Evil bastards


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