The journal has quite a different look from the simple black that I remember. I like it.
Months go by like years sometimes.
In a former incarnation, I was shadow123. I came back. I think. Until my next flight of fancy lures me away.
While I fled LiveJournal in an attempt to rid my life of unnecessary drama, there were a few journals that I genuinely missed. This, of course, was one of them. I say "of course" because it would have been quite cruel of me to say "there were a few journals that I genuinely missed" and then follow that up with "... but not yours." Cruel, and untrue.
Really, this is just a long and too-drawn-out way of saying, "Hey! Long time, no see. How have you been?"
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy to see you're back (if even only temporarily). I missed your writings, and still have your old journal on my friends list. I'm flattered that you missed me enough to comment - I got tired of the black layout and wanted something simpler.
In short, I'm the same as I've been, which is not too bad, I guess. How about you?
In short - everything's changed, and everything's stayed the same, which means... business as usual, I guess? I don't know. I'm bad at explaining these sorts of things. Some days I feel different, some days I don't. I've grown a little older, a little wiser. Cripes, I've been gone less than six months? Feels like six years.
Anyhow, I am going to assume that we are friends again, in which case - you can read all about it. The first entry is, of course, the triumphant return with a bit of explanation, and the latest entry is (as latest entries have a tendency to be) rather important to me as an indicator of my current state of mind. Anything else you can skip in the interest of time.
And, as you can see, I'm still as verbose as ever. =)
Comments 67
so happy birthday! i hope you don't mind me friending you and vice versa. :)
Not a stalker. Just so you know.
I am also Chinese-American, though I have no idea what generation. At least 3. Just so you know.
Just wanted to invite you to the JHH community here at LJ. (I am inarticulate and lame, plus a little spazzy)
Months go by like years sometimes.
In a former incarnation, I was shadow123. I came back. I think. Until my next flight of fancy lures me away.
While I fled LiveJournal in an attempt to rid my life of unnecessary drama, there were a few journals that I genuinely missed. This, of course, was one of them. I say "of course" because it would have been quite cruel of me to say "there were a few journals that I genuinely missed" and then follow that up with "... but not yours." Cruel, and untrue.
Really, this is just a long and too-drawn-out way of saying, "Hey! Long time, no see. How have you been?"
In short, I'm the same as I've been, which is not too bad, I guess. How about you?
In short - everything's changed, and everything's stayed the same, which means... business as usual, I guess? I don't know. I'm bad at explaining these sorts of things. Some days I feel different, some days I don't. I've grown a little older, a little wiser. Cripes, I've been gone less than six months? Feels like six years.
Anyhow, I am going to assume that we are friends again, in which case - you can read all about it. The first entry is, of course, the triumphant return with a bit of explanation, and the latest entry is (as latest entries have a tendency to be) rather important to me as an indicator of my current state of mind. Anything else you can skip in the interest of time.
And, as you can see, I'm still as verbose as ever. =)
Just another writer, continually learning from others....add me?
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