dear disillusion “sla `via-ce' est-eviria” envenom, beautiful. inordinate: an attempt at symmetry cadastre, citadel: catastrophe Yes coral, give me the ashes oubliette: opposing orifices anonymously, contradicting rose pedals meager to the second polaroid bridges overlooking a different kind of drowning
(It)s the ((((certainty))))) of enigma (it)s ((((her eyes))) I think ()r maybe that's (th)e probl(em) (((((((((I cant))))))))) ((be)lieve in dis(illusion)) liquid( )liquid lithe like longevit(y) (or) may(be) its (her) hands ((this thing)) they do you know(___)move me
She continued to read She seemed to consider his absence of no special importance, as someone on a perfect day will consider the weather a failure because it did not change his mind
So there is this thing called irony, it’s harsh. distant, and carcass; like stars. its always there, just sometimes its not dark enough to see it
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