I made a new screenname, and it's Smurfs Cant Dance. I don't know what posessed me to make such a retarded screenname, but I think it's mildly amusing. Add me up, kids.
90% of my friend’s page is absolute garbage. That's because the majority couldn't type a substantial entry to save your genitals. I have to wait 15 minutes for my dial-up computer to load the rainbow colored carnage that consists of your ridiculous entries, horrible Photoshop edits that you neglect to put behind cut, or something wonderfully
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Some things have been bothering me a lot. And I'm going to start from the things on the top of my head, and work to the bottom of my list and hopefully work deeper into my issues. If you're going to comment with sympathy, or something useless (not to be a jerk, but telling me what I’m saying is wrong and I’m being to hard on myself is not helping
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I feel as if I have become a bitter shell of a better person I once was. A slow but steady change I've tried to evade for too long. I don't like how I feel, cold and descending. I've become prone to pass judgment quickly, prone to superficiality, I've become an asshole. It's deplorable, and I need to fix this. The question is, where too now
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