Because I am curious

Dec 12, 2010 02:44

The big old character sexuality meme! I wanted to post this earlier when it was going around on plurk, but since I was spamming the comm with modstuff at the beginning of the month, I didn't want to spam moar. :V But now it's all good.

I put purty colors on it!

Basically, I want to plot all our characters on this chart, so we can see the general demographic spread of Sortinghat. :|a So what I need you guys to do is comment here with your characters' names and their coordinates.

For reference, here's mine that I did a while ago. So Alfred is at about (9,7), while Liz is at (8,8) (and I'm sure Kid is delighted). (X,Y) is the order, and please just give me coordinates, not the whole chart ;A; I'm going to put them all together in one chart so it will be a nifty little data set.

Now here is the explanation that I copied wholesale from luceti

-10: Unable to comprehend the idea of yourself in an opposite sex relationship, disgusted by the idea of (YOU PERSONALLY) being involved with the opposite sex in anything but a platonic manner.
-9 - -7: "Very" gay people, doesn't think about themselves with the opposite sex emotionally but might fathom the idea objectively without being grossed out.
-6 - -4: Average homosexual person.
-3 - -1: Average bisexual person (leaning towards the same gender).
0: Fully bisexual or pansexual: either way you cannot fathom the idea of why one would have a preference of genders.
1 - 3: Average bisexual person (leaning towards the opposite gender).
4 - 6: Average heterosexual person.
7 - 9: "Very" straight people, doesn't think about themselves with the same sex emotionally but might fathom the idea objectively without being grossed out.
10: Unable to comprehend the idea of yourself in an same sex relationship, disgusted by the idea of (YOU PERSONALLY) being involved with the same sex in anything but a platonic manner.

-10: The of being intimate with anyone else is horrifying and/or disgusting (completely asexual).
-9 - -7: Intimacy is scary and/or gross, it's hard to imagine being comfortable with even basic levels of it.
-6 - -4: "Average" person who is uncomfortable with the idea of intimacy.
-3 - -1: Generally uncomfortable with intimacy but not overwhelmingly so.
0: Demisexual or otherwise extremely selective about sexuality in general and/or they don't like or dislike it to any extent.
1 - 3: Generally comfortable with intimacy but not overwhelmingly so.
4 - 6: "Average" person who is comfortable with their sexual identity and/or the idea of intimacy.
7 - 9: Intimacy is very important, someone who likes sexual oriented actions a lot, and/or "horny" people.
10: Approaching the level of "sex addict:" sex is a necessary part of their existence.

The Y-axis is supposed to imply less their taste in how to meet their ends and more their willingness/desire/openness to meet them. That is to say, a character with a high or a low score could be either in or out of a relationship or having one night stands just as easily; the how of it isn't taken into consideration overly much. Or shouldn't be.

So note that the Y-axis isn't necessarily related to how much sex they GET, or even necessarily how much sex they want to be having right now. It's more like how much they'd like to have ideally. They could be a virgin and still be up near the top of the chart. And of course, it can change over the course of a person's life, so if they are currently 12 and think boys are icky, they'll be way lower on the Y axis (but it won't necessarily affect the X axis!)

Um, I guess you can ask me for clarification if you have any questions, but I am going to sleep. :V Night y'all.

Also while I'm here: it's not too late to comment to the feedback pooooost.


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