Can someone for the love of leather explain to me why everyone keeps staring at my arm in this city? I know the tat's wicked cool, man. But it ain't that cool. Do people not get ink done in this dimension?
...Well, you're the first person I've known personally to have a tattoo. ...But that just says something about me and the people I socialize with. I know some people get tattoos... sailors, mobsters, convicts, military men, and the like. People who want to look tough. *shrug* ...Your tattoo is very intricate, does it have some sort of significance?
*doesn't quite know how he feels about being grouped with 'military men' and 'sailors', but the tough bit sounds about right* Not really. They've got these huge books full of designs and things at tat shops. *he pauses, recalling* Actually, mine's not from one 'a those... *trails off enigmatically*
*shrugs* An old moldy books I dug up in my brother's stuff. I couldn't read a word of it but the design was so wicked, y'know? Too bad there was only enough of it for an arm, the rest of the page was torn off.
*backs away very slooooooowly* Uh, cool. Thanks, dude. *really does not like this guy for some reason, not even sure if it's the weird things he says, or just something he senses about him*
*lies, sensing that this is becoming a habit* I'm meeting up with Hei to go bar-hopping *knows it's only polite to invite the other man, now that he's said where he's going, but doesn't*
*just so happens to be wandering around in the area ('cause he enjoys walking around sometimes); spots Scar double a little ways down the road and freezes, eyes going wide* ... Scar...! *narrows eyes, but unable to decide whether or not he should run for his life or attack*
*frowns deeply, thinking it's awfully rude of a person to just yell out like that on a street* Yeah, so what, bastard, I've got a scar on my face. You got a problem with it?
*blinks, confused by the fact that "Scar" isn't yelling "DIE STATE ALCHEMIST" and charging him. remembers the dimensions thing again and shakes his head, wincing at his slip-up* Oh, shit.. Wrong person. You just... with the scar an-and the arm... I thought you were someone else.
Is that so? *he asks, getting even more pissed* I don't see how that's possible as I'm pretty goddamned distinctive thanks to this. What the fuck are you playing at?
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