M00000 i am ItsNotDaPot from iSketch but well i dont really go on it that much anymore but STILLLLL i can post in here cos lyke its so dull and lifeless so m00
OK i am fishies on isketch and well the stupid game took away my voting privligages. lol i am also Thefishes on LJ as you cann see my friend KJ or King_Jon on isketch also has an LJ on here too but i forgot her SN i know she posted right before me soo thats her. and well if you ever see me on Isketch come and say Hi too me. Peach out.
Hi. I'm new and stuff. If you ever get a strange compelling urge to talk to me, I always log on under King_Jon as what they call a "reg" (regular) as I'm there basically every waking minute of my freaking life, LOL. Yes, I'm a girl. Don't ask me where i came up with that. :S
Inklink, found on shockwave.com, is a similar game to isketch, but only one person can guess it right. Personally, I prefer isketch over inklink, but I was playing it before I came actross isketch.