mrs666 wrote in
Sep 27, 2006 11:46
omfg, i've only been on iSketch for 1 day, but im HOOKED!!!!
It's soooo much fun!
The only thing that annoys me is that you can't register lol.
Oh, nd the peoples askin 2 cyber r annoyin 2 lol.
junebug80 wrote in
Dec 29, 2005 21:49
i really missed me some isketch. thank god its back up. anyhow, what are all of your user names? I go by theresie or theresa626
tenacious_doa wrote in
Apr 25, 2005 21:14
AWW damn i'm bored, and isketch just went down, what am i to do?!
fatfro wrote in
Feb 01, 2005 23:00
Ive tried for about 30hrs now and isketch is not letting me load it. uhm if anyone has any news on why this is or it is working for other people please tell me, thank you bye.
the_big_three wrote in
May 17, 2004 20:01
how do you join a team? hmm.. well if you know tell me here or im me at runnin x as x rawk orr talk to me on isketch im a regular as
jendoof wrote in
Mar 07, 2004 14:30
there isent a livejournal room all the time is there?
cus when i've been looking there hasent been one.
and the serch for moderetly good players is getting harder and harder to acomplish every day.
aprilfoolishly wrote in
Feb 29, 2004 13:48
Hi my name is April and I am an isketch addict. I can see you all nodding its an easy thing to be addicted to. Especially when trying to avoid work or study. I am a regualr there and I have never seen a live journal room, but if you still do it, I keep my eye out for it. See ya all at isketch. (I play as Aprilfool, btw)
ryeholden wrote in
Jan 12, 2004 03:57
Hey, I'm the famouse jizzle. Yeah, you can worship me, just watch the hair. Ha ha, okay forgive me.