Who told Bush to interrupt my programs last night with his shite. All he did was give excuses about why he want to stay in Iraq. I personally don't care. I just feel bad for the people thats over there and their family's. Bush is an evil evil man.
There's no excuse for my lazidazical(sp?) attitude. Its like nothing even matters or maybe Im pushing everything so far fro me that it can't matter. I'm stuck. I still don't know what I want to do with my life. It's a shame really. I need to go to church...
*SIGH* Ever felt like you have no control over anything? I can't seem to do anything right..I don't know, I hope everything works out for me, cause it seems like Im dashing my life to the dogs..=/
I was here at LJ a long time ago...and I've come back to promote my clothing line. I'm doing work on my own website and will post pictures and links very soon. Till then blog blog blog