Anime Coloring and Border Tutorial [Yuugi]

Jan 01, 2007 13:34

Learn how to go from
in PS 7

First, crop your image to 100x100 pxl, and use Auto Contrast, Auto Levals, and sharpen once. The original image was also kind of dark, so I brightened it by creating a screen layer on about 50%. This will depend for each icon.

Then, add a new flood fill layer in #1C2A51, and set it on exclusion, 100%.

Next, add another flood fill layer in #F2E5D2 (#F2E5D2), and set it to multiply, 100%.

Add one more flood layer, this time in #9EC2CE, and set it to colorburn, 50%.

Duplicate your base, and set it to softlight, 100%.

Duplicate your base again, and set it to softlight, 100%. I added Gaussion Blur on 0.5%.

Create a new adjustment layer in Color Balance. In Midtones inpute these settings: Cyan: -20, Magenta: -20, Blue: 0. Set this layer to normal, 70%.

Create another adjustment layer, but in Selective Color. Imput these settings:
0, +35, 0, 0

+20, 0, +20, 0

-30, +30, 0, -20

Duplicate your base again, blur it, and set it to softlight, 30%.

Duplicate your exclusion layer, and set it to 40%. Now, you can stop here, or add a bit more, like I did.

Merge your layers. Then, create a new layer and add this brush (by fangirls_inc). It's a mask brush, so I did the whole screen thing. For help with this, check out this tutorial. :)

Here's where it gets a little tricky. I find it helps to start a new document from the current state. Once this is done, I duplicated my base, and moved it to the top. Desaturate it, but leave as is for now. Then, duplicate the mask brush, move it to the top as well, but don't change the settings. Use this layer as a stencil to remove the center of the desaturated image. Then, deleat the extra masking layer. It'll now look like this.

Now, it looks kinda dumb, so I set the desaturated border layer on normal, 20%.

Duplicate your base again, and erase the background.

Finally, add this texture by gender on screen. And you're done! :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Lemme know what you get out of the tutorial, but please don't copy the icon completely. :D

anime/manga: yuugiou, *hales731, graphics: tutorial

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