hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm doing nothing today its beautiful out but i am an indoor girl last night ******FIREWORKS****** very fun the abandoned field and the complete lack of snow cones then i slept over NPATTEES it was amazing i love nicole we watched trainspotting don't do herione
i hate my mom right now but she is driving us to the movies at 5:40 be there or be square, losers i know what you meant when you said IM IN THE MOOD TO BREAK THINGS
it's so hot! i snuck off from work today citing sickness now home and getting ready to go out later kimmy whats happening on thursday? call me and Npattee? friday? did you pull some strings for me? ok xox naptime
Drain the pressure from the swelling, The sensations overwhelming, Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright Tell me that I won't feel a thing So give me Novacaine
downloading rhapsody bored but hanging out with matt was much fun i should probably write longer entries