Well, it was a small event, but it was still fun. Sylvanista said it rained really hard Friday eve around 6ish, just to punish those who showed up early. Her tent had flooded. Apparently Clan just doesn't want to let go. It also rained Saturday eve, probably around 5-ish. People continued to ditch
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It's been some time since I posted one of these. So here's a short entry.
Last night I started on my first ever attempt to sew a tunic. I'm not finished yet, so the jury is still out as to how it will turn out. However, I don't have overly high expectations, given that it's my first try.
In this case, the bugs being ants. Went to Nocturnis' campout for their coronation, and the ants found me to be quite tasty. One of the really big ones decided it wanted to go to the trouble of sampling just below my knee; that one really hurt. Also both my legs felt kinda funny and even went a little numb.
Why am I so shy? And what, if anything, can I do about it? This sums up pretty well how I often feel, when in a large group setting, or someplace new, or a combination of both: