Title: This Promised Land Series: Final Fantasy VII (contains spoilers for Advent Children) Character/Pairing: The Turks/Rufus Prompt: 31_days: August 1st: come up from the summer rain Rating: PG Word Count: c.160
So far my attempts to write long things for the 'verse keep failing, but I figure... I can write sentences. I can totally do that. So I grabbed the first 21 pairings from the 'verse that I had any interest in and used a number generator to determine order and prompts for each... here are the first 7. There are stories behind most of them.
I have this old character... I am trying to get back into his mind, because I always liked him. And I think I now have the skillz as a writer to make him not a mary sue. So I found a crappy old fic about him and I made it a poem. It's not quite finished.