BEN KWELLERS CD CAME OUT TODAY! not only that, but i got my 3 tickets to his concert today! i've been making out with them like crazy... i believe that tomorrow i am going on a college tour at u of l with michael and jessica. this shall be fun. like always life is good, no wait life is great.
I am going to visit lorena next year, i am pretty pumped up, i miss her already! I am relizing i am nothing, but i am content with being nothing big... noting is a something, but something is nothing to me... yea... i am good... ben kweller countdown starts very soon!
I've grown up and i need to forget the past with certain people. I just need to make sure i am good with everyone, and thats where i am starting, with the one person who i left with so many things unsaid. i hope it goes good... i hope i'll think of a way to handle it... wish me luck!
i relized last ngiht that soem peole i put too much into... its clear what i have to do, and why. i am okay, i am more then okay... if this is what is left, i'll take it... i am honestly happy... there is mroe important things to care about, not something that shouldnt matter. yeah, i am good, happy.
whoa. what has happened? tell me what i've done, I'LL CHANGE! we use to be such good friends, we've changed, but why cant we change for the better... together? you were a brother to me, and now this...
friendships sometimes mean nothing to someone, and everything to another...