Oct 22, 2008 03:01
I can't study sans tea by my side,
In my herbal brew, I do take much pride.
The urge to pee never ceases,
And my addiction increases.
I never will be satisfied.
Oct 22, 2008 02:56
Devilrettes, they ain't yo friend
They gonna cause yo life to end.
Fillin' yo lungs with viscous tar,
Yo life'll be short,
You won't go far.
Oct 21, 2008 10:21
I leap outside into the
It hits me like a thousand knives.
I shudder
And continue.
Oct 21, 2008 10:18
I'd really like some mac n' cheese,
And I'd prefer the EZ kind.
This class must end A.S.A.P.
So I can find this food in mind.
Cheesy, steamy, oh so dreamy.
I want this mac n' cheese.
Add some hot sauce and black pepper
I want some right now, please!
Oct 21, 2008 10:16
The pain in my middle
Is a result of some gas.
But it's stuck,
And it won't
Make its way down to my ass.
Damn you!
Stubborn farts,
Who want to just stay in one place.
My intestines detest you.
For, you're a royal disgrace.
Oct 21, 2008 10:14
I sit reading for class,
The book has no end.
Nothing's sticking, time's ticking.
My only friend.
Focus is a distant hope,
One I can't seem to achieve.
Caffeine fails me, a tired head ails me.
When did all my brain cells leave?
Oct 16, 2008 16:30
My head's a pain machine,
For I've had too much caffeine.
The past few days
Have been a haze
Of an amount of tea that is obscene.
Oct 16, 2008 08:21
The aroma of fresh cookies wafts my way.
My nose says "I want some".
My mind-
"Stay Away".
What is it
That keeps me
From such a delectable treat?
Evil lard, fat, and grease?
Or a sense of defeat...
Oct 16, 2008 08:19
I'm feeling an itch,
That I've not felt before.
From deep, deep within
My ear's inner core.
My finger twists and contorts
To tame this damn itch.
Who woulda thought
That an ear's such a bitch?