There's a birthday party this Saturday, with a larger version of the same group of people. This group can be a little much for me sometimes. They're not all alike, but they openly adore one another, and physical affection some times flirts with attraction to the point where it makes me uncomfortable. They scare me - and they thrill me, as I have
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Gradually and then suddenly. One day, by surprise, swiftly and unexpected, the sun shines through the cracks and the air opens up. You can sing again. And you sing and sing and sing, to nothing and to everything, laughing all the while. And, if you're lucky, you never again are made to stop.
A friend used to say something to me when I expressed similar doubts. If they're pretending to care, that means they care. But in hindsight, a lot of things he said were full of shit. I'm not sure. I.. bet this isn't any help
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'Well, he knows I'll bite, but I'm not making the first move. The yellow brick road has been laid out for him. If the man's interested, clueless or not, he better get to making his move asap.'
No, I'm not conceited AT ALL, noooo....
But, in my defense, I can still poke fun at myself. :)