You probly wont get to read this for awhile cause you dont have internet, but I just wanted to let you know that I would do anything for you if you ever needed me (or any other time), and there are tons of oters who would do the same. I love you, Bailey!
You're welcome, coming back and seeing your happy face was worth the miles. Gimme a call if ever you are bored or just need to talk to someone. 515 238 3778.
I had a great time at the party and don't worry I got my glasses fixed the next day and made it home safely thanks to Grey Lovelace. Hope to see you again soon.
Haha that's good. I'm coming up to U of I in November. Maybe I can run into you then! And you should come back so we can see a movie. I love our movie talks! lol. Thanks for coming back!
I didnt get to go to your party.i guess even after high school im still not cool enough.i wasnt going to invite myself.because that would be rude.i hope you had a rad birthday! And i will be at Elephant man.! Im excited to see how it turns out. But Im even more excited to see all you again. <3
I would have invited had I known about the party. lol. AND YOU ARE TOO COOL ENOUGH! I miss you tons, Emily! People in newspaper say that I remind them of you. Heehee! Hope I can see you soon!
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