well im back looks like the world ended in the end but wot can u do when a world dragon wakes up and wonts 2 eat the 1's who put him and i did not do it well ;D nxt time the goblins come out 2 play
did end up in first aid 4 acouple of hours and i cant do alot at the mo as it hurts and i am becoming a ref as well its great
im getting fead up with some peaple y do they wot 2 make my life hard i had 2 hav along chat with some1 last nite 2 find out who has been upsetting ali and we may no how it is
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god i hav forgot how ruth larping is lol but when u get some1 like bear jump on u it will hurt but anyway cant wait 2 start work im so bord at the mo but can i do but wait.
just been chating 2 jenn she just got msn :)) she saying that i was really silly for turning down mary but i dont like her like that but she was ok about it and said that she would love 2 stay it touch as she is moving 2 hastings