Title: Kagome Theme: Set #1 Theme 76 Wallet Genre(s): AR Word Count: 326 Rating: G Summery: A chance meeting in the woods. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title: Small Steps Theme: Set #1 Theme 63 Affection Genre(s): AR Word Count: 283 Rating: G Summery: Love grows little by little. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title: Moon God's Lament Theme: Set #1 Theme 81 Regret Genre(s): AR Word Count: 187 Rating: G Summery: Ayame doubts the Moon God will be back. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.
Title:Dance of the Sun and Dance of the Moon Theme: Set #2 Theme 89 Dances Genre(s): AR Word Count: 1003 Rating: G Summery: Males and Females have diffrent ways of dancing.
Title: To the Brim Theme: Set #1, Theme #97, Alcohol Characters: Sesshoumaru & Miroku Genre: Drama, Humor Word Count: 300 Rating: PG Author’s Note: This is part of a series called Vassal. Summary: CU. Mushin proposes a celebration. Let the saké flow!
Title: Wakeful Night Theme: Set #2, Theme #51 - Waking Genres: Drama Characters: Sango Word Count: 325 Rating: T Summary: Sango couldn't sleep... Notes: Part of a serial filling in the gaps in the manga storyline. Eventual Miroku/Sango with mentions of Inuyasha/Kagome.
Title: High Places Theme: Set #2, Theme #56, Splash/Spray Characters: Sesshoumaru & Miroku Genre: Drama Word Count: 100 Rating: G Author’s Note: This is part of a series called Vassal. Summary: CU. Miroku leads the way to his childhood home.
Title: Pinch Me Theme: Set #1 Theme 2 Dream Genre(s): AR Word Count: 193 Rating: G Summery:Ayame gets her wish. Note: Please see here for a complete list of all the storyline fics.