you've gotten into my bloodstream

Dec 21, 2010 04:43

part one can be found here [ x]

ALISHA: Do you wanna walk in together? You don't have to if you're embarrassed to be seen with me.
SIMON: I'd never be embarrassed to be seen with you.
ALISHA: Good. Ready? What are you listening to?
SIMON: Echo and the Bunnymen.
ALISHA: Never heard of them. Heh, thanks ... This is really depressing.

I wish it wasn't a sneak peek, because it ended up being my fav scene of the episode, and I hate when that happens. I love the shot of her seeing him walking by, and how she immediately wipes her tears away, perks up and calls out to him. I like that this is a parallel to when he called out to her when she was listening to music on the picnic table, when he asked her out. Such a juxtaposition to how much she's changed in such a short amount of time. I love how sincere he is when he says he'd never be embarrassed to be seen with her, when she was probably just joking. And the way he gives her the extra earbud! Simon's grown so much, he never would have done that before! And their smiles as they look at each other!

SIMON: You annoy people.
NATHAN: See, why would you even say something like that? That's very hurtful. I thought we were friends, you ungrateful little twat!
ALISHA: Don't speak to him like that!
NATHAN: Why are you sticking up for him? Do you love him?
ALISHA: Why don't you go and suck yourself off?

Another scene I wish wasn't a sneak peek, but whatever. So many things to love about this scene. The way she laughs at him saying Nathan is annoying! The little smile he has when he says it! And of course the best part being when she tells Nathan not to speak to him like that. I love that so very much, because Nathan always speaks to him like that, and you know Simon didn't take it personally, but it just annoyed her so much, gah. I'd love to have seen more of that! And of course, I love that Simon totally knew that something was going on there. His look at the end. So smart, and yet nothing really comes of him noticing these things.

JESSICA: What do you think? Are you gonna do the run?
SIMON: I was never very good at running.
JESSICA: Is that why you got caught? .
NATHAN: Oh, Jesus. She's after Barry!

Nothing fancy to say here, just the first of many scenes involving jealous!Alisha this episode. Also, I kinda loled at Jessica's joke. Sue me. This is the scene where you really see that Jessica isn't that great looking, despite what Nathan keeps trying to tell us. But I don't mind her, she might be kinda cute under different circumstances. She's clearly dorky and socially awkward like Simon, at least.

SIMON: What do you mean, she killed you?
NATHAN: I mean, she smashed my head against a sink, like this, until my brains dribbled out of my ears.
SIMON: She wouldn't do that.
ALISHA: How do you know? You don't know anything about her.
NATHAN: Come on man, it all adds up, do the maths ... She was here, plus, no one else was around, times, she caught me leering at her semi-naked, divided by, all the weird shit that happens to us, equals, guilty! She's a beautiful girl, and she's here, in the community center. I seem to remember a similar scenario that resulted in me having sex with an eighty-two year old woman.
SIMON: So you think that if a girl likes me, there must be something wrong with her.
ALISHA: No, that's not what we're saying.
NATHAN: Isn't it?
ALISHA: No ... Simon!

I love Alisha in this scene so much. I loved the annoyed look she gets when Nathan calls Jessica beautiful (she gets it in another scene too), I love the way she says no when Nathan thinks that is what they're saying, how she calls after him, so perfect. And poor bb Simon! He looks so sad in this scene, and outnumbered as usual. It was kinda obvious that she wasn't gonna be evil by this point, but I was still hoping, just to see Alisha comforting Simon when he was upset about the fact that of course there was something wrong with the girl that liked him. But alas.

SIMON: Would you like to go for a drink with me?
JESSICA: I'd love to. Where do you wanna go?
SIMON: I'll meet you at seven, in the bar on The Estate.

Disclaimer, I'm not to sure about that last line, but I think that's what he says. Doesn't matter. All that matters is how jealous Alisha looks! And more importantly, that she went after him! If only she had reached him in time to comfort him first. I would have loved to see that.

ALISHA: Why are you calling me?
NATHAN: No one else is answering their phone! You know the cute, smiley, popular girl who murdered me? Well, she just killed some other guy.
ALISHA: Simon's meeting her for a drink!

Okay, before, I was all happy and squeeing that she still went to Future!Simon's apartment, but now I love her with Present!Simon so much, and he hates them, and now I can't even, lol. But anyway, I love how she's going to ~touch his picture, that's so adorable. Even though it looks like Iwan has scruff in that Polaroid, so not Simon. Then there's the hilarious way she asks why Nathan is calling her, like he's not allowed or something, and she's genuinely confused as to why he would have reason to call her. And the fact that she was his last resort is hilarious too. I loved her concern when she realized Simon was with her right then, too, even if it took her until Nathan was done his little 'he is/isn't dead!' shtick.

NATHAN: So why are you here? It's not like you and him are big pals.
ALISHA: What, and you are? Why are you here?
NATHAN: Well maybe I like him more than I let on.
ALISHA: Yeah, well, maybe I do, too.
NATHAN: Little bastard gets under you skin, doesn't he?

I love this scene so much. I love that he questioned her on why she was there (and that she countered). I was really hoping someone would call her out on her new Simon love, moreso than just Nathan's comment about her sticking up for him. I was kinda hoping Kelly would overhear some of her thoughts and they'd have some girl talk, but whatever. I love that they both admit that they like him more than they let on, instead of pretending they don't and making up excuses, and Nathan's line about him getting under their skin and her smile after, just perfection.

NATHAN: Hey man
SIMON: What are you doing?
ALISHA: Just hanging out.
SIMON: Were you following me?
NATHAN: We could ask you the same thing. Okay, yes.
ALISHA: We were worried about you!
SIMON: You don't need to be.
NATHAN: Tell that to the dead guy at the community center, alright. Oh wait, you can't, cause your new girlfriend killed him!

I officially knew she wouldn't be the killer when Simon let himself think she might be, and went with them to the community center to see. It was short lived, but those are the rules. As soon as he even considered it, it wasn't gonna happen. Sigh. But she admits she was worried about him!

SIMON: So where is he now?
ALISHA: She's moved the body.
NATHAN: Right! Who leaves a dead body lying around to be discovered? We never do, and we're not exactly the most competent killers.
SIMON: And how did she do that when she was in the bar with me?
NATHAN: Why would I make it up?
SIMON: Maybe you're jealous.
NATHAN: Look at me, beautiful. Look at you, not so much.
ALISHA: So why am I here?
SIMON: I don't know.

So much loveeee. The way he says he doesn't know, clearly meaning that he doesn't know what's up with her lately, and why she's around him all the time. He just doesn't know. And the irony is hilarious to me, that she's the one that's there because she's jealous. Love it. Also, the look on her face when she realizes that Jessica was with him in the bar, and that she might not have done it. She really wanted Jessica to be evil.

NATHAN: Nice costume.
ALISHA: Uh, she looks like a slut.

First, I must start off by saying that the gif of this scene is totally just gratuitous, because how fucking hot does Alisha look in this scene? Antonia rocks that wig like whoa. I almost wish she'd wear it all the time. Or they'd just straighten Alisha's hair every once in a while. She really looks like a totally different person with straight hair though. Anyway, the dancing scene is shot so pretty, and they look pretty, and I love how she's watching them to make sure Simon's okay. Also the way Nathan looks down at her when they're kissing, like he knows she's jealous.

JESSICA: Dad! What are you doing?
MR. JESSICA: What have you done to her? She's my little girl.

I just want to thank the show for sparing us from a Simon/Jessica sex scene. Thank you. Moving on, way to just stand there while your dad is killing him, Jessica! Good thing Super Alisha was there to save him. I was SO hoping she'd save him, and I love that she did. And their faceeeee. So much love.  Made even more awesome by the awesome tweets from 'Simon' about it. Jessica is such a third wheel in this scene, get out. LOVE the look Alisha gives her when it pans back to show all three of them and the awkwardness. Also, lovely back, Iwan. Lovely everything.

SIMON: Jessica isn't a psychopathic killer. She's a virgin.
NATHAN: I knew there was something wrong with her.
SIMON: There isn't anymore.
NATHAN: I'm proud of you man!

Of all the jealous looks we got in this episode, this one was definitely the best, because it was jealousy, combined with sadness and disappointment. Poor bb girl. At least she had warning. I know it must have hurt to see them together and know what was gonna happen/what did happen, but I think she should have looked on the bright side, and realized that this just meant they were even closer to being together. She knew he lost his virginity to someone else, so she had to know they wouldn't happen until that happened, so now that's one thing out of the way. But still. Aw, and the way she fakes a smile when he looks her way, just kills me. And their shared looks when they're in their superhero/badass poses.

ALISHA: Simon! What's going on with you and Jessica?
SIMON: After what happened with her dad, she says she can't see me.
ALISHA: Seeing the girl whose dad tried to kill you. That's never gonna work. You'll meet someone else. Trust me.

Aw, I like that it came off as her actually being curious and trying to make conversation, and then trying to make him feel better, as opposed to her just being jealous or nosey, so I'm sure Kelly or someone else had told her already that they weren't together. After he walks away, I adore the way she stops, rolls up her eyes , then closes them and shuffles a bit like she's trying to decide whether to go after him or not, and ends up just staying there. She's trying so hard to be patient and you know it's just killing her. She totally just wants to blurt it out.

ALISHA: I though we'd feel like we made it. All this fame stuff, it just feels a bit pointless ... He knew it would be like this. Simon. We should have listened to him. Do you know where he is?
NATHAN: No, no, I haven't seen him.
ALISHA: He said picking up litter was the best time of his life. If you see him, tell him he was right.
NATHAN: Cheerio! What's up with you?
SIMON: I never said that about picking up litter.

Even though this scene is obviously just a contrived way for Simon to finally reach his wit's end with her strange behavior, I still love what it means for Alisha's character. Can you imagine Alisha being famous pre-Simon? She would have eaten that shit up and be having the time of her life, and now it doesn't make her happy, and it seems empty. Speaks volumes. It's so cute that she went to Nathan to talk about it and asking if he'd seen Simon. But lol at her quoting him on something he hadn't said being what finally gets him to follow her. Come on, Barry, THIS is what does it?

SIMON: When was that taken? Where did you get that?
ALISHA: Someone gave it to me.
SIMON: Who? ... What is this place?
ALISHA: The guy in the mask, he lived here.
SIMON: Who is he?
ALISHA: ... He's you.

I think so many people called him going invisible and following her back to the bunker and finding it all. I thought it was so cute how she just walked in and went straight for the bed, how she came there just to lay down. I bet she's been sleeping there. I wonder if he thought this was her place, and that she was stalking them or something, lol. But awww, she keeps the Vegas picture in her purse! Dangerous, but adorable. I was so hoping he'd find it on the wall, but that's even better. And she was crying. My heart. But seriously, this scene was just perfect. I adore the way she reluctantly and sadly says 'he's you' (okay, idk if she says he's or it's, but whatever), and omg, Iwan's reaction. Perfect.

ALISHA: You came back so that we could be together in the future.
SIMON: You and me ... we're together?
ALISHA: Yeah, we were. And we will be again. I hope we will be. You think you're surprised, imagine being me. You're still you, but  you're different. You're more confident. And my power doesn't work on you. You can touch me.
SIMON: And then I die?
ALISHA: You saved my life. You said if you didn't come back and die, you wouldn't become the person you needed to be.
SIMON: It's like in Terminator, when John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time so that he can be his father.
ALISHA: I have no idea what you're talking about ... You protected us. You're like a proper superhero.
SIMON: Why do I turn into this superhero? ... So what happens now?
ALISHA: I have no fucking idea.

Even though obviously I was with everyone screaming at her to stfu about all of this, I really wanted to see a conversation like this, despite knowing that it would lead to bad things, so I was stoked when we got it, and then it was erased, so I got the best of both worlds (for like two days, then the Xmas ep aired, and so much for that theory). Anyway, I love how comforting she is here, I swooned at her 'we will be again' line. And the look on his face after that. Iwan was so good in this scene. Omg, and her little smile at his dorky Terminator reference that she didn't get, she loved it. She was totally thinking 'aw, that's so Simon, he's so presh'. All in all, I just wanted to give him a big hug in this scene. OMG, and also, how adorable and tiny does Antonia look sitting like that? All I could focus on the first time I saw it, ngl.

ALISHA: You alright?
SIMON: Yeah.
ALISHA: We'll talk later, yeah?

They finally got their pizza date he asked her on! I feel ashamed that I didn't even realize that until someone pointed it out on, I think, Tumblr. Bad fan, I am. I just fucking love all the little details and parallels this ship has, shows how much thought and care the writers put into them, despite some of the gaping plot holes that are involved in the whole time travel storyline. Give me hope for more awesomeness to come! But anyway, THEIR SMILES. The way he's just staring at her, in a non creepy manner. How they're sitting off to the side together, just so cute it hurts.

My hearttttt.The fact that Simon had such a strong reaction to Alisha's death after just finding out about their relationship and all that, speaks volumes. I definitely think he had legit feelings, or at least a crush on her beforehand. And he had obviously been filled with so much hope since their talk, even if it was just for a few hours, and then he finds her dead, and it's just the kinda thing that would happen to him. Poor kid. The forehead kiss killed me. I had said earlier that I would love a forehead kiss, and though my preference would have been her giving him one, I still loved that I got one, even if it was when she was dead. Also, I loved that he cleaned her up, both because of the love that shows, but also because it looked really gross. Let's not even talk about the epicness of all the slowmo afterwards, okay? I just can't. Bad ass mother fucker, right there. For a second I had a theory that F!S needed them to happen faster, so that Simon would be so affected by her death that he'd go and get stabbed for Curtis, so he could turn back time, and that Curtis never did that in Future Simon's time (maybe because he was dead from the shapeshifter, which is why he saved him then), but there are a billion plot holes there, so yeah. Not even gonna attempt to guess what's going on.

SIMON: I just want you to know, being here with all of you, it's been the best time of my life.

Awwww, Simon! And her little smile. I think it's both because she thinks he's so cute, but also because obvs, that's what Future!Simon told her. I wish they had walked out together. Like he was still doing something at his locker when she was walking by, and linked arms with him or something, and he'd be all confused and it would be so freaking cute, but whatever. I'm not a writer!

ALISHA: You're gonna break your neck. I'm not pushing you around in a wheelchair.
SIMON: I have to learn sometime.
NATHAN: So how did it all go so right for you, huh? You end up with a cool flat, a beautiful girlfriend.
KELLY: I think it's dead romantic, I do.
NATHAN: I think I liked it better when you suffered from a crippling shyness.

Aw, I had really been hoping for a scene where she scolded him for his stunts and nursed him a bit, and this will do. The part where she reaches over to touch his cheek but he has to move away makes me sad, but I'm glad they didn't angst over it. Omg, seeing all of them hang out, even three months after their community service is done makes me feel all warm inside. I mean, I know they're bonded together by the powers and all the murders, but still. They totally like each other. Adorable. As is both of their smiles when Nathan mentions his beautiful girlfriend, swoon. What I wouldn't give to have seen the gang's reaction to Simon/Alisha getting together. I think I was most disappointed in the lack of that, then not getting to see them get together. I think all of their reactions would have been hilarious. Especially Nathan's. And I would want to lol at Curtis.

ALISHA: I don't want you to freak out. There's this guy, I went to see him. He took my power. He touched me, it's gone ... I wanna be able to touch you. I want it to be like it was. We had great sex. I miss having sex with you. Kiss me.

The effing lighting in this scene, so much rage. Anyway. NO PRESSURE OR ANYTHING. Come on, Alisha, think about the boy for a second, not the best thing to say to him. But I do like that she kept saying 'we' or 'you' and wasn't separating the two Simons like Simon understandably does. Shows that she just loves Simon and means what she says in the next scene. Also, they live together? Presh. And they have a Christmas tree! So domestic and precious. Oh! And I before I forget, I just assumed that Alisha retold him about F!S during the three months, not that they remembered from the first time, which I'm hearing some people think, and that the writers left that big plot hole. When the plot hole is really: Alisha selling her power doesn't explain why F!S  was able to touch present her, but whatever. Maybe his new power will explain that.

ALISHA: It doesn't matter. Simon. Look at me.
SIMON: He was much better than me, wasn't he?
ALISHA: No, it was different.
SIMON: I hate thinking about you being with him.
ALISHA: It was you. You're the same person.
SIMON: Except he's much better than me, isn't he? ... You'll always love him more than you love me.

Thank you show for not making me watch the awkward sex scene like I was dreading. Poor bb Simon, he looks so bummed out. I'm glad that Alisha wasn't mad or frustrated. Sure, she might have been able to be a bit more reassuring there (I would have mentioned that F!S knew her better/said she taught him, etc), but it's not like she was frustrated or even seemed disappointed. I love that they brought this up - Future!Simon hanging over their relationship, I mean. I hope we get more of that in S3, since it was just kinda left there, and that she reassures him that she loves him. Also, her kissing his shoulder!! so presh. And Iwan, dat ass. Even though I didn't include a cap of it here.

ALISHA: I just want us to be a normal couple.
SIMON: I don't think we ever can be.
ALISHA: You don't need to be invisible. You're not that person anymore. You've moved on, we've all moved on.
SIMON: It's a part of who I am.
ALISHA: You told me we should do this. You from the future.
SIMON: I told you we should give up our powers?
ALISHA: Yeah. You're supposed to do this.

I cannot believe this lie was made into the big thing some people are making it into. Was I annoyed that she lied? Of course. Was it wrong? Obvs, but she confessed and he forgave her, so whatever. What relationship hasn't had a lie plot in it? I legit can't think of one. If I hated every character that ever told a lie, I'd have no characters I love. And someone told me that some people are blaming her/this for Nikki's death?! WHAT? Can someone explain that logic to me, because I don't get it at all. The only thing/person the lie affected with Simon. She didn't lie to the others to get them to sell their powers. Nikki was the one leading that charge, for goodness sake! The only person whose fault it might be, other than the shooter's, was Nathan for getting in his face and then jumping out of the way, but I don't blame him for it either, so whatever. Team Alisha!

ALISHA: You coming to bed? If this is about the sex, you just need some practice. That's how you get good.

This parallel is probably stretching it, but I'm gonna pretend it matches the scene of her looking at Simon's picture on the wall before Nathan called last episode. I don't know why, but I really liked what she said to him there. No bsing, but enough to make him feel better. I'm sure it helped that he wasn't being overly sensitive like last time, but you know. Also, eff the lighting this scene again. We were so spoiled with the beautiful sex scene in 203, though, I shouldn't complain. But I really want to know if he used Fishermen's Friend or not. I like to believe he didn't. I think it would make me feel better if he didn't. Loved that he made her scream louder than F!S did. I really wish we could have gotten a scene afterward to make up for that first one! But it'd be pretty impossible to beat their after sex scene from 203, so why try.

NATHAN: If I die, I won't be there for Marnie and the baby.
ALISHA: I can't go back to being like that, I'm sorry.

This scene is so pretty. I love any scene where they're coupley around the gang, just so especially adorable. So is the fact that he touches her face like future him did, it makes me feel all warm inside. I'm glad he understood that she couldn't go back to having her power, since it isn't even a power, damn. Forehead kiss was love, too, of course, but it does make me bitter that I didn't get to see her kissing his forehead at all.

SIMON: Alisha? What is it? What happened?
ALISHA: I lied to you. You never said we were supposed to give up our powers. I just wanted us to be normal.
SIMON: You shouldn't have done that.
ALISHA: I'm sorry. I started this and now Nikki's dead.
SIMON: It's okay.
ALISHA: No, it's not okay. There's a guy that's calling himself Jesus. He's got my power. He used it on me.
SIMON: Did he-
ALISHA: No. I got away. But the boy who robbed the bar, he was there. I think the Jesus guy put him up to it ... Where are you going?
SIMON: I'm going to kill Jesus.
ALISHA: Then I'm coming with you.

I love all their scenes at the end of the bed! She looks so small sitting there, again, and the way he rushes over to her. So glad she just came out and said it, which she didn't need to. And I love that he forgave her so easily and didn't make this huge deal out of it. Just kissed her temple and put his arm around her, aw. The look on his face when she says the guy used her power on her, I just love everything about this scene. Probs my favorite of the special, if only because of the awesome lighting. And then they get all badass at the end there! They need to become a crime fighting duo next season, with their new powers. I hate that shot of Alisha, though, in the bottom left.

CURTIS: You've seriously lost your cool.
ALISHA: Oh shut up, it's Christmas!

How cute are they all huddled up together? Both the two of them, and the whole gang. I really wish we could have seen Simon and Alisha just singing together, because Iwan and Antonia are both so good, and now it's my dream. Either way, the smile on his face when he sits down and looks at her, and then she looks at him. I'm not about to say they were thinking of their babies or anything, but still. I was thinking of their babies, and I bet they'd be the cutest effing little things in world, with the most amazing bone structure. And lets not even talk about the adorable little hug. I love that it comes after the talk about losing their cool or whatever, and I just imagine that Simon's smile is all like 'Come on, you gave up your cool when we started dating. Come be a dork like me' kinda thing, and he's embracing her and comforting her on her dorkiness. In my canon, anyway. Let's ignore the fact that Curtis was looking at them during this, also. Better have just been because he was lonely and sad that Nikki was gone, and not jealous. Because ew, I will not take that, writers.

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tv: misfits, type: epic spam, spammer: waxandstrings, ship: simon/alisha

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