Stories where one or both is bullied (usually in school).
All I Need, by xdarkdesires (NC-17, AU)
Before, by sandymg (R, AU)
Can I Be Pretty Enough For You?, by aythia (NC-17, AU)
Can't Get My Head Around You, by earthquakedream (R, AU)
Entwined Branches, by strive2bhappy (NC-17, AU)
Gone But Not Forgotten, by dont_hate_me01 (NC-17, AU)
Heart-Shaped Hole, by tebtosca (NC-17, AU)
I Think I Love You (But I Don't Even Know You), by keep-waking-up (NC-17, AU)
I'll Be, by fatebegins (NC-17, AU)
I'll See You After Class, by silentpoetry1 (NC-17, AU) (Sequel: Four Years Later)
Just Give It Time, by fatebegins (R, AU)
Life Is Fragile, Handle With Care, by blueeyedliz & dontknowmyname (NC-17, AU)
My Problem Is You Make Me Melt, by juice817 (NC-17, AU)
Pass It On, by hay1ock (R, AU)
Perfect (For You), by tebtosca (R, AU)
Pretty Things 'verse, by keep_waking_up (NC-17, AU)
Show Me Heaven, by aelia1980 (NC-17, AU)
Strangers When We Met, by myficjournal & saklani2 (NC-17, AU)
We've Come A Long Way, by radiophile (R, AU)