just a little english paper i was proud of. the assignment was to define ourselves as a reader, writer, or speaker. i went a little deep into myself but it was something i needed to do eventually.
summer has been amazing. london, cape may, work, and just in general. i'm really not ready for it to be over just yet. ughhh this sucks, school starts in exactly a week. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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hey from vermont! haha alliebaba and í are hoping to get snowed in tomorrow.. cross your fingers. tonight we went out to dinner, all 12 of us, then bowling . I love these guys! and we actually skied.. allie and me on bunny hills and medium slopes annd our boys onn the double blacks doing filming.. okay i,m going to sleep. peace!
its been a really long time since my last update and i almost cried reading it. [as horrible as that sounds] i've been really good lately. so good it almost seems dream-esc. but i don't care, for now i'm just living.
just though i'd write a quick one. i guess this thing is kind of dying.