Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil), PG-13, 24/30 Author: jacedesbffPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Meg/Weevil, ensemble
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Thank you! And how awesome is Weevil? I love them both. And I love them together. Oh, yeah, the "meg/weevil" tag was made on veronicamarsfic just for me. Boo-yah! *laughs*
yay! you manage to skim the stuff about her mom which I never could get into. I hate her mom and was so pissed she stole their money and then that's that they never mention her again.
I can't remember if I ever told you this or not but it's so funny.
On this old Showtime show "Rude awakening" Veronica's mom was a character named Trish who's nick name (and the name almost everyone called her) The Vagina
So every time she was on Veronica mars all I could think of was that she was totally named correctly.
on the other show she was a weirdo culty jesus freak
Yay! Logan and Veronica are coming out of the closet! The 'on Duncan's terms' part is a little ominous, but still, it has to be better than not even being able to walk down the hallway and hold hands because they're paranoid Duncan will kill himself!
You know, it was a total relief to write about them finally making the decision to come out of the closet. Yay! All I can say is that the next chapter will be a doozy. :-) Totally looking forward to it!
Comments 64
gah gah gah. duncan is nutzy...and awww. Meg's baby has a daddy. cool. aww i do love me so weevil
So glad you liked it! :-)
you manage to skim the stuff about her mom which I never could get into. I hate her mom and was so pissed she stole their money and then that's that they never mention her again.
YOu left in the snickerdoodle scene! my favorite.
Sweet update I love it
So glad you liked it!
On this old Showtime show "Rude awakening" Veronica's mom was a character named Trish who's nick name (and the name almost everyone called her) The Vagina
So every time she was on Veronica mars all I could think of was that she was totally named correctly.
on the other show she was a weirdo culty jesus freak
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love the chappie. kinda choppy but still great. sigh.
and i am so EXCITED to see where this whole coming out thing is going.
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