2 and a half weeks left of school and i feel like crap.... but why i do was so fun and worth it :P YAY!!!! i start work today in 5 hours and 15 minutes..... ...hahaha i got in so much shit last night:P
tired....an so hot:P had the worst veggie chili today made in foods..... and long week end:P so yea... ummm..... la la la la lala la...... sun x colin + clothing= X :P *sigh* ...oh oh oh had a hole in my index left finger and its name is philip and hes bi polar :P:P:P:p this entry sucks.......
i don't really seem to fit any where anymore can't stand much anymore..... i really need to get away god i really fucking hate this place i'm in right now ...probaly be better if i didn't have to deal with all the assholes