haha. you're just lucky that parks-worker(?) had a flashlight. (otherwise i would've had to hop back to the bronx, probably stepped on a hepatitis-infected needle, eventually leading to my slow painful death, leaving you wracked with unbearable guilt.)
Haven't I mentioned before how I don't do guilt? Besides, imagine yourself hopping on one foot across the triborough bridge at midnight - if that isn't an amusing image, what is?
hi claudine! i miss you! congradulations on getting your liscense. maybe you should come visit me at school someday. i mean, i'll be waiting around til august of 2005 so.... anyway, this sophomore girl in my dorm reminds me SO MUCH of you but I don't think she cares. i love you! and i have a funny picture of you from the last time i was at YOUR school.
hey! i didnt actually get my liscence yet, just passed the test to be able to take the real road test. but hopefully that'll be okay, then i'll totally come visit. i can't wait to drive fun places (like visiting you) <3claudine ps. when did you take my picture?
Comments 6
(otherwise i would've had to hop back to the bronx, probably stepped on a hepatitis-infected needle, eventually leading to my slow painful death, leaving you wracked with unbearable guilt.)
ps. when did you take my picture?
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