Oct 21, 2004 00:40
Today I beat Halo 2 and i have to say: BEST SHOOTER EVER!!!!!
Some might think it sad that this is exciting enough to mention to the world but "You Don't Know Me." It was awesome. I also began to develop my halo on Fable today. I need to play lots of video games since i can't really skateboard anymore. You all know my phone # hit me up.
Oct 20, 2004 02:51
I just asked our favorite jedi 6 questions so i'm fair game to be asked 6. Anyone who is interested, Shoot.
Oct 20, 2004 01:41
I've decided to hop on the bandwagon because i think i'll see more of my friends online than anywhere else. I don't really feel like typing a big old thing right nowso, peace.