Title: Heartache Warfare Rating: PG-13 (language) Spoilers: Something Nice Back Home, The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham Summary: Just like that, eveything crumbles down around her. Author's Note: Take place between SNBH and TLDJB
Title: Caught in a net with you Author: Polly Characters: Jate Rating: M Summary: Jack and Kate got captured in a net and the sexual tension between them becomes out of control.
Help! I've almost completed my set of Rittenhouse "Lost" Season 1-5 Trading Cards and all I need is #80 - "Eggtown". I haven't been able to find it on ebay! :( It's the only one I need to complete my set! Anyone have it and willing to trade/sell? Please let me know! (blackrock108@gmail.com) Thank you!