Title: Breath your name Author: Polly Ship: jate Timeline: Set in season 1, after the ep 1x07 (The Moth) Chapter: 1 (one-shot) Rating: K Summary: Kate is living at the beach's camp and Jack is living in the caves. Kate feels the effects of the distance between them.
Hello all...this is my first post to this community, so let me know if I am doing something wrong!
Here are a couple of Jack/Kate vids I made some time back, but am just now posting. They're both angsty and heavy on scenes from the finale, but I hope you all enjoy!
I've embedded the vids below the cut. I love comments - here or at my journal here.
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Created a HD/Blu-Ray and HQ stills "Lost" screen capture website! Come visit, it's a work in progress but the plan is to get every episode capped and include HQ promotional stills and episodic stills!
Title: Fever Author: Polly Characters: Jate Timeline: Set in season 4, few months after they left the island Chapters: one-shot Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Aaron is sick and Kate doesn’t know what to do. She asks Jack to help her. The sexual tension between them comes to surface.
title: in memoriam rating: pg-13 fandom: lost characters/pairing: kate, claire, aaron, sawyer; jack/kate genre(s): drama/angst word count: 1,670 status: complete spoilers: for the whole series summary: if she stares into the darkness long enough, she can see Jack’s face. a/n: it’s been a really long time! this was something I just happened to think
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Title: I need you so Author: Polly Rating: K Characters: Jate Chapters: one shot Status: complete Summary: Kate thinks about Jack. Pos-finale. Songfic. Author’s note: I took the song “I love you” by Sarah McLachlan. English is not my first language, please forgive my mistakes!