Title: in our private universe Characters: Jack, Juliet, David Rating: G Word Count: 627 Spoilers: post 6x18 The End Summary: After, Jack goes looking for David. A/N: written for the lostsquee Luau
Title: going nowhere Pairing Daniel/Charlotte/Jack/Juliet Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,071 Summary: Trapped in a post-apocalyptic world, Daniel, Jack and Juliet
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Title: We've Been Recycled Pairing: Jack/Claire Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,692 Spoilers: post 5x18 "The End" Summary: He's alive or alive again or maybe neither. He goes home. Disclaimer: LOST doesn't belong to me. A/N: written for crickets' The Shephards e-zine. Many thanks to hitlikehammers for proofreading.
[05] Blake Lively [11] Lost (Pilot) [15] Supernatural [04] Kristen Stewart [05] The Big Bang Theory [02] True Blood (Sookie Stackhouse) [02] Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles 3 PSDs Teaser:
Title: Dust In Our Lungs Pairing: Jack/Claire/Sawyer Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,169 Summary: They are the only survivors, and they stay together because they have nowhere else to go. Disclaimer: LOST is not mine. Author notes: This was written ages ago, but I've never gotten around to reposting it. Proof-read.