been a few days since I posted, because i have had nothing to post about. The past 7 days have been utterly boring (except for a couple small peices of stupidity and drama that I won't bother you all with). Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and still care.
well, like an idiot, i spent 12 hours on a boat today with no protection from the sun, and have develpoed what seems to be a mild case of sun poisoning. The i went to see Steel Pulse cuz I had free tickets, and couldn't even enjoy the show because i was in such discomfort. Go me.
Well, this is my first post. Hope someone interesting will come along and respond. Would love to make some friends on LJ. So, I've been up all night (again), and have to be at work soon (again). Story of my life. Well, just wanted to say hi. Will post again soon, going to bed now.