My Sharona is a creepy song! Why did I dance to it in my cow piece that time? I guess my cow piece was creepy. I wrote it while I was in love with three boys and I had no hair and I duct taped my own mouth a few times. Once the duct tape got caught in my hair as it was growing back, it must have been later in the semester, and I had to rip some of
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2008 is a year i fell in love most truly. of course, i suppose each love is truer than the last, for we grow deeper and truer with each. without the past, we would not find our present
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talking with someone awhile about love. seeing a few pertainings on/about love. a morning, a night, an afternoon, a life to ruminate, posit, stew, accept, deny, mull over, affirm, ascertain, acquiesce, acquaint, acquire. know, not
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