Monsieur Manning and Madame Bodine have recently brought to our attention that this demon within Lestat is aroused by certain passions. Strong emotions such as anger or lust seem to set it free and we have been asked to keep him under control while they continue their research. This is, of course, easier said than done. Though I do have some
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Comments 129
The one thing that remains mine alone is my conscious mind. I'm not eroding my grip on it.
I only wish to help. Again I'm sorry for making such suggestions. I think the last two would be more helpful anyway, the sensory and OT. Keeping yourself busy and as calm as possible.
You and I were together with a dozen candles lighting the room. It looked very like the old parlor at Royal Street, but somehow it wasn't. Time bled around us, merging moments from the past with the present and I could feel the mingling of everything we have shared, greed and lies, the claustrophobic silence and your questions pattering with the rain on the banana leaves outside. The shadows on the walls looked like blood and your eyes burned cold with malice.
Of course, I could simply be insane.
Do you think it can access my memories? Where does it go when I'm asleep? I have a horror of it picking my memories like carrion.
Yeah. OK. Here's the thing. This is odd. Odd and it's making me extremely uncomfortable for reasons. I know the reasons but I'm not about to discuss those reasons with anyone here except to say that for me this has gone beyond being too serious. Been down that road before. Not going down it again. Ever.
Good luck.
I'm confidant you both will find a way to work it out. If you can't tell when it came into him, how will you know when it leaves? Other then provokation which is a scary thought.
I'm actually liking the dog idea? Maybe a couple. Fidget spinners might be good too (I'm joking..) we already know favorite movies/books. We are all willing to try what we can. Maybe being able to write. Since your back on the island. No dueling. No competing.
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