Title: Phoenix Bandom: Blink 182 Pairing: None. Genfic. Rating: PG Summary: From ashes, it is reborn. Disclaimer: I do not own the Barkers, Shanna, Mark, or Tom. A/N: Written after the plane accident Travis and DJ AM were involved in. Wordcout: 833
Title: The Boy At the Rock Show Bandom: Blink 182 Pairing: Tom/Mark Rating: PG Summary: After the show, Mark searches for Tom. Sequel to I’m Not Afraid to Say I Still Miss YouRandomness: Never drink three energy drinks, eat a brownie, and then go on stage. You’ll throw up. Mark did… But you won’t be able to make it cool like Mark
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Title: I'm Not Afraid to Say I Still Miss You Bandom: Blink 182 Rating: PG Pairing: SLIGHT, hinted Mark/Tom Summary: Tom attends a (+44) show. Wordcount: 1,021
Title: A Prayer Like Exorcism Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Genfic; slight Sam/Dean Rating: PG-13 Summary: John gets a lead on the demon that hits far too close to home. Warnings: Violence and language. Also (spoilers for fic ahead): bad!John, child abuse, and character death. A/N: Written for spn_reversebang. This story was written around the magnificent
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Title: Awkward Exchanges Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: None really. Some slight Dean/Cas or Dean/Sam, depending on how you look at it. Summary: Dean is trying to sleep, Cas makes things difficult. Wordcount: 608
Title: So Says The Man Who Plays With Dolls Fandom: Comedy RPS Pairing: Brian Haner, Sr./Jeff Dunham Summary: Bree Dunham walks in on something she doesn't want to see. A/N: Or, I watch way too mch Jeff Dunham. Wordcount: 221
Title: Sparks of Insanity Fandom: Comedy. Jeff Dunham? I fail at figuring this one out. Pairing: Jeff Dunham/Brian Haner, Sr (Guitar Guy, Papa Gates, ect) Rating: PG-13 for language? Summary: Syn visits his father. Wordcount: 746