Well folks, its back to school for me tomarrow, and its 4 nights a week plus my full time job, so if I am not around much please dont worry! All is well here, thanks for reading!
I know its not PC, but I am wishing everyone a merry christmas! If christmas isnt your thing then happy chanuka, kwanza, and ramadon and whatever else there is to celebrate!
Well I am still not home, this was supposed to be the weekend I got to go home, but my landlord is a lying SOB and its not done, I am very pissed off, and very sick of living at my parents house.
Dave is good, and I have my health, and everything with school and work is good, but I want my life back!!
I am still apartmentless, living at moms, struggling to get online when I get a minute. I have been told that it may be thanksgiving at the earliest before I am back. I am ok otherwise, got an A on my midterm, Dave is good.