I won one of the big program awards tonight. Like, one of the ones you can only win once, because it is a big deal. For promise in academics and performance! (And possibly outstanding performance?) (And there's some money involved.)
I got into one of the shows I auditioned for! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! So, for those of you in the Toronto area, my shows will be on the 27,28, and 29th of September. That's right, September. *eep* It is called 'The Virtuous Burglar.', but I have yet to read it, so I can't tell you much about my part.
Everything is... FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIILLLL! (2: Electric Boogaloo) (Nothing says fail, like accidentally giving your boss the list of everything that rhymes with the word "fail.") (We don't think she's noticed, yet.)
EVERYTHING IS FAAAAAAAAAIIIIIILLLLLLL! That is all. Even this. It is supposed to be black. Just pretend, okay? FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLL!!!11oneeleven!