Oct 15, 2005 15:14
hay sup? sorry i havent updated been so busy with basketball
g2g peace out *AnDrEw*
Sep 26, 2005 17:00
hey yall
someone got on my screen name and changed the passwork so that now i cant get on it. it really sucks but my new sn is spbaseball018
peace out
Sep 17, 2005 13:17
Sep 01, 2005 20:50
hey yall
i just got back from the berry game with michael j. it was pretty cool but no 1 was the besides me micheal and kyle. berry won like 20-6 and Rico scored all the touchdowns. Some dude on Clay got hurt becasue he ran into kyle milling and kyle got the breath nock out of him but the other dude had 2 go out in a strecher.
peace out
Aug 27, 2005 21:17
hey yall, i just got back from jasper. i had 2 go there becasue that is where my grandparents live and we had 2 take my grandmother home from the hospital.
friday night at suzies house was pretty cool breanna and cassidy where there and we chilled out for a little bit but i only could stay for like an hour
breanna is so hott
Aug 23, 2005 16:08
hey yall! Rachel is makin me so mad she is mad at me but she want tell me what i did and it is pissin me off
but o well
breanna is so hott
Aug 20, 2005 21:20
hey yall i want 100 comments so help me
breanna is so hott
i am so board there is nothin 2 do
my gay dad wouldnt let me go 2 the movies
help me get 100
Aug 20, 2005 18:00
Sup Every1??? I am @ my friends house rite now, I might go 2 tha movies with Colby and Rachel..not sure though..g2g talk to my peeps lata* Andrew
Aug 09, 2005 19:16
hey this is andrew. rachel just made me a lj. thank u rachel. tell me if u want me 2 add u