cockroaches in the shower, on the floor, in my underwear drawer, in the toilet, in the kitchen crawling across the counter in the middle of the night
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i'm going to stop smoking so much pot. starting today.
and i'm going to go to work from five till ten and hope for a pay check soon. i just looked at my account and realized it's probably a good idea for me to check to see if i have money before i spend it all.
right now i'm sitting on jamie's computer waiting for jamie to wake up... i would be sleeping too but i don't think i have it in me. my body doesn't even like to sleep to begin with so sleeping to the excess just doesn't work
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i'm getting a job in little five probably, in the same store that lexie works at, we are hopefully going to be able to carpool until she leaves to which ever state she decides to go to.
it's wierd to be home but it feels right
i don't know what to say really, but i hope everyone's happy. i am! <3 jak