i can't get enough of the lyndsay diaries. that guy is so hot. i just love him to death. if i was gay i would go out with out him. he is to die for. listen to lyndsay diaries
AirportsAreRidiculous: ithinkiheartyou ithinkimissyou: ithinkimissyourkiss AirportsAreRidiculous: ithinkimissyourlips AirportsAreRidiculous: and your nosey AirportsAreRidiculous: and your hands AirportsAreRidiculous: and your hair AirportsAreRidiculous: and your tummy AirportsAreRidiculous: and um everypartofyou AirportsAreRidiculous: yes.
i want to visit her in the wee hours of the morning when she is tangled in sleep and slightly disheveled in and encompassed in her little cotton hearts/