Some societies veil their women; require that they hide themselves for fear of inspiring lust, or negatively influencing the good, upright male members of society. Some societies treat women as little more than breeding stock, fit for nothing more than bearing and raising children. Some societies add the responsibility of maintaining the home,
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...and all's well. No new developments, Ceilidh continues to grow, and occasionally hiccup. She sleeps most of the time, which is typical of all preemies. She's cute as a button, had a little bit of jaundice (also typical in all newborns) so they put a UV light on her to help her body break down bilirubin. Since she's not used to light at this
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...Last night, as Steph and I were lying in bed, Steph began having slight cramps. Then, when she came back from the bathroom, she told me that she was also spotting slightly. Since she had had the same thing happen only about a week before, I suggested that maybe it was still just a normal ocurrance, as the doctor had told us previously.
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IF you: -are a geek (dweeb, spaz, nerd, dork) -enjoy gaming of almost any kind -are familiar with Firefly, Doogie Hauser, or The Guild -have any kind of sense of humour
Steph and I have been looking at onesies online - She found a site that allows you to design your own "t-shirt" style onesie - she uploaded a picture of me gritting my teeth in the rowing boat from several summers ago, and added the text "My daddy PWNS your daddy." There are also, apparently, many little baby gamer-geek onesies out there already,
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The remark above was an interview snippet I just heard on NPR where someone in the army was being asked how they felt when they heard that many people in the US now felt that the war in Iraq was a mistake.
I haven't been paying a lot of attention to Livejournal lately, so it escaped my notice until today that my little brother wdalphin tagged me for a... "get to know you better" mem, I suppose it is. Regardless, I'll play along, although I refuse to tag anyone else
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