May 01, 2006 00:07

Evening all. 12.07am. Late ugh! I even had a wonderful plot bunny for this week, too and, alas, it did not get written. I did, however, post the next chapter of Issues - which, y'know, you could all go read or something. lol.

Just a short note for admin purposes. If you're new to writing for the AWDT, I really love to welcome you especially, but we've been going so long now that I sometimes lose track. If it's your first time - please, please tell me, I really don't want to miss anything.


What does ctrl mean by nocturnali Sirius/Remus


Perfect Relationship by grunhilda H/D
Hurt by ginnyatheart Orig Fic
Shells of Men ( III ) by physixxx H/D
Not Quite Perfect by chisox727 H/D
Cry by lucilla-darkate Draco/Hermione, suggested Draco/Harry
You Reap What You Sow. by siriusmoonlite Morpheus(Dream), Marion (Sandman fandom)
Son of York by romath Richard/Tyrell (Shakespearean slash)
Whipped by dm-p H/D
Cry, Cry Again by enchanted-jae H/D
Three for Tea by ceria_taliesin and westwardlee Gideon/Kingsley
A Much Needed Break by elizabeth_rice Inuyasha; Miroku, Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo. (from previous week)
Why, do you always do this to me? by original-lie H/D; minor R/Hr


from nocturnali

Ok, you get smut this week...From the Nickleback song "Figured you out." (Cos Ali went to see them this week)

"I like your pants around your feet."


This is a weekly drabble challenge, posted each week Sunday midnight or thereabouts, my time (Australian time).
Open to anyone interested in writing.
Try to keep under 500 words, but not many do, it's all up to you.
Any fandom, genre, pairing or orig fic.
Post a link here for me so I don't miss your post.

Most important...have fun.

nocturnali and jamie2109
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