sannask and doc_ashimoto are the only other two, besides suziecroft that I know of. I've pretty much dropped out of touch with the old crowd besides them.
Hey...I know that you probably don't know me from anywhere, but I had to stop by to say "ADDMEPLZ?" because I love friending people and we seem to have a freakish lot in common, so...yeah, overcoming my shyness and this thing I have where I don't like sounding like a stalker, friend me back?
Erm, yah - I seem to remember a little place called the Sanctuary where we all committed fannish sacrilege against the poor unfortunate crew of the USS Voyager. We're all not *gone* just disappeared for a while - Actually, I was in contact with V a couple months ago...
Anyhow, it's me - lis - though I don't use that alias anymore 'cause it annoys me.
Hey, l -- er, CoffeeCat! (Old habits. They die so very hard.) I went ahead and friended you back, but the warning about my journal being used as a substitute for Ambien stands. ;-)
I maintain that we were terrible to them because we loved them. The crew of Enterprise, on the other hand, I'd cheerfully throw in a blender. "Does it blend?" *whrrrrrr*
So, we've hit the big three (hp, btvs&atv, and doc/torchwood)! I wonder what else we could fangirl about? (how about hp some more. we could bash the epilogue! yea!) I'm just about to grab the newest Torchwood episode, so I'm very giddy right now. :-)
-Katy (from Am Lit, in case you thought I was some random crazy)
I've got 2x07 going too, but it'll be hours yet before it downloads. My normal torrent provider refuses to upload if there's errors, and the transmission quality on BBC3 is consistently shit, so now she's a week behind, which means I'm getting the torrent off a substitute, and their tracker is so. damned. slow. Aggh.
Oh, thank you. It's down and watched already; hours turned out to be "more like one-and-a-half." I'd been bumping along at goddamn slow for about the first third of the torrent and then I finally managed to latch onto a peer with a good upload speed and it took off. I think my sister may have been downloading something at the same time :rolleyes:
I am not a very good T'wood watcher. All the Highly Dramatic Bits in this one had me snickering instead of paying rapt attention.
Comments 21
...and i was just about to make some lame joke about you having been assimilated. :-p
Hows it goin'? Got any contact info (other than Susie on here) for the old crowd? *friends*
sannask and doc_ashimoto are the only other two, besides suziecroft that I know of. I've pretty much dropped out of touch with the old crowd besides them.
Anyhow, it's me - lis - though I don't use that alias anymore 'cause it annoys me.
I maintain that we were terrible to them because we loved them. The crew of Enterprise, on the other hand, I'd cheerfully throw in a blender. "Does it blend?" *whrrrrrr*
Ah, I could never through Trip in a blender. The rest of them, maybe... Captain Archer - hell yeah!
-Katy (from Am Lit, in case you thought I was some random crazy)
I am not a very good T'wood watcher. All the Highly Dramatic Bits in this one had me snickering instead of paying rapt attention.
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